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If These Walls Could Talk: Thoughts of Home

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Home is where House Beautiful’s heart is, and this second engaging collection of the magazine’s “Thoughts of Home” column pays tribute to that special place. These first person essays capture the nostalgia for Grandmother’s farmhouse, the giddy pleasures of that first apartment, the recovery from the loss of a beloved abode. Author Edna O’Brien leads us through her adored childhood home in County Clare. Christopher Buckley’s “Foggy Bottom Blues” amusingly recounts his mishap-ridden relocation to Washington, D.C. From Patrick Dunne’s reminiscences of junkyard picking in New Orleans to Sally Ryder Brady’s story of watching her family’s Vermont house bulldozed to the ground, these essays remind us that not only is there no place like home, but that no two are alike.

248 pages, Paperback

Published August 28, 2006

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227 reviews2 followers
August 19, 2018
This book is a compilation of short stories that ran as a series in House Beautiful under the same name. The writers of these stories are journalist and writers who recreate remembrances of their favorite homes. What a wonderful book this is.

I devour articles about what writers are reading--I have convinced myself that they are an ultimate vetting machine since writing is their life work. Someone, oh my I can't remember whom, said she had this book on her bedside table. After researching it, I found a used copy from an on-line seller, and put it on my nightstand too. These writers cover the gamete from rustic grandma houses to first apartments, from tree houses to New Orleans glitz. I read it slowly and loved every vignette.
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